Sunday, 12 February 2012

Group Project Guide

Choose the issue

What do you already know about this topic?

What do you want to know? 5W’s + H… Where? What? Why? When? Who? How?
Write a focus question

Reliability Websites and Project Aim
1. What is the project aim?
Project aim the overall statement of the goal or “why” of the project or the Focusing Question.
2. What should a successful project aim include
A. Research questions that allow me to take a stand after reviewing the relevant facts (personal/national/global views)Supporting/secondary questions which help me to find the facts that shape and support the answer to my focusing question (personal/national/global views) C. A topic statement for my focusing question which is my reason identifying statement (personal/national/global views)
3. Find one reliable and one unreliable website-use the five factors to explain why you think they are reliable or unreliable. website website
4. Five factors to tell if a website is reliable or unreliable.A. Who authored the site?B. Who published the site?C. What is the main purpose of the site?D. Who is the intended audience?E. Check the links and date.

Research and reading for information

Try at least reading 4 articles, for each article complete the 5 ways to evaluate record on the 'reading for information' document.

After each session



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